Congratulations, one again, to Assemblyman David Hadley for
a very successful first year as our representative in Sacramento. As a freshman
in the minority party, and the number one target for removal from office by the
political opposition, Assemblyman Hadley accomplished more in the legislator
than his predecessor. Although Hadley’s challenger is seeking a rematch for
next year, I am surprised that his supporters even allowed him to run.  
One accomplishment, AB 1452, will protect kids by prevent administrators
from hiding teachers’ records of misconduct. AB 306 will allow children of
active military personnel to enroll in any school they wish, regardless of resistance
from home districts. So many military families struggle to find affordable
housing near good schools, and Hadley’s reform will ensure the best education
for their children.

Furthermore, his schedule of visits, meet-and-greets, and
activism in the South Bay has been quite impressive. I cannot recall previous representatives
who paid so much attention and invested so 
much of their time in the South Bay working with businesses and
community leaders, learning about the challenges and  struggles facing working families and small
businesses, and seeking more ideas to make California a Golden State once again
for all citizens. Hadley has restored citizen-patriot to our local political vocabulary.
Instead of elected officials who do what labor unions, special interests, or
other negative government elements tell them to do, we have a representative
who cares about our families, our schools, our business, and our general South
Bay quality of life.
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